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cloud computing

Intro to Amazon EC2 ~ 04-1

by leko 2023. 9. 27.

infrastructure as a service : IAS

  1. Intro to computing
    1. CPU : runs and process the instructions that it is given
    2. RAM : main memory , stores data that the computer need to carry out processing tasks. temporary storage
    DRAM as a main memory
    1. Hard Drive : SSD를 보통 사용하긴 함 long term storage , stores the boot files and files that you create
    2. Network of Performance :
    1. bw : the amount of data that can be sent over a specified time 높은게 좋아
    2. latency: how long it takes the data to travel 낮은게 좋아
    computing involves key software called operation system.
    1. instances : virtual machine , computing resource in the cloud, traditional on-premise server , Amazon Elastic compute Cloud (EC2)
    2. containers : Amazon Elastic container service (ECS)
    3. serverless : AWS Lambda
    4. hybrid : AWS Fargate
  2. computing methods
  3. os : every computer has os, os is the software package that manages the computers hardware and software. ex) microsoft windows , ubuntu, macOS
  4. components of computing
  5. Amazon Ec2 overvieweliminates the need to invest in hardware up front (선불로)It gives you full control over the OS on each instance
  6. control traffic to and form instances by using the following - security groups , elastic load balancing
  7. provides virtual machines called EC2 instances in the cloud
  8. Amazon EC2 : web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud at affordable costs all around the world
  9. Amazon EC2 benefits

elastic computing

complete control

flexible hosting services (instance types, OS and software packages)

integrated (s3 storage service load balancing )

secure 1개 → 3개의 백업 서버가 있다

  1. Amazon Ec2 Architecture

Region: fault tolerance내고장성: 고장나도 자동적으로 수정해 시스템에 문제가 없게

VPC: virtual private cloud : isolated virtual network

subnets: one availability zone

public subnet : must be connected to the internet

private subnet : wont be connected to the internet

security group: 가상 방화벽과 같음

→ multiple availability zones and attach an elastic load balancer which distributes incoming traffic

Instance purchasing options

on demand instances : per second(linux and ubuntu) , no long term commitments, no upfront payments

short term spiky or unpredictable workloads

reserved instances :

saving plans instances :

spot instances : like auction

supply ! discount / demand ! terminated

Tenancy :

shared tenancy


dedicated instance


dedicated host


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